Tuesday, February 17, 2009

RMA (Return) Order Cycle

RMA (Return) Order Cycle

RMA Defined:

•Permission for a customer to return lines.

•Oracle Order Management allows you to authorize the return of your sales orders as well as sales made by other dealers or suppliers, as long as the items are part of your item master and price list.

Standard Return Flow:

Typical RMA Business Processes:

•RMA with credit only

–Your company issues a credit without the customer returning the product.

–Accept returns for credit by applying credits to original invoices or creating on account credits.

•RMA with receipt and credit

–Customer returns a product and receives credit.

•RMA with receipt and no credit

–Your customer returns a product you sent to them on a trial basis or at no charge, therefore they receive no credit.

Other RMA Types:

•RMA with repair

–Your customer returns a damaged product. Your company repairs and returns the product to the customer.

•RMA with replacement

–Your customer returns a product and your company sends a replacement product rather than issuing a credit.

•Returned item fails inspection

–Customer returns product, company inspects product and rejects it. Company scraps product or sends product back to customer.

•Trade in

–Return line on the same order as the product that the customer is purchasing.

Accounting Impact:

•During receipt of RMA in Receiving InventoryReceiving Inventory Dr.COGS Cr.

•During receipt into SubinventoryMaterial Dr.Receiving Inventory Cr.

•During generation of Credit MemoRevenue a/c Dr. to Receivables a/c Cr.

Tables that get updated:









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