Monday, April 20, 2009


1. What resources are provided for developing applications which will be
integrated into Oracle Applications Release 11?

a. The Oracle Applications Developer's Guide Release 11 and the Oracle
Applications User Interface Standards Release 11.

b. The AU_TOP/forms/US/TEMPLATE.fmb for developing a new form.

c. The AU_TOP/forms/US/APPSTAND.fmb contains standard property classes
for your runtime platform.

d. The AU_TOP/resource/FNDSQF.pll contains routines for Flexfields,
Function Security, User Profiles, Message Dictionary.

e. The AU_TOP/resource/APPCORE.pll contains standard User Interface routines.

f. The AU_TOP/resource/APPDAYPK.pll contains the Calendar Widget routines.

g. The AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll for adding custom code which affects Oracle
Applications forms without changing Oracle Applications code.

h. The AU_TOP/resource/GLOBE.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to
incorporate global or regional features into Oracle Applications forms
without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms. Globe calls routines
JA, JE, and JL libraries.

i. The AU_TOP/resource/JA.pll called from Globe and contains Asia/Pacific code.

j. The AU_TOP/resource/JE.pll called from Globe and contains EMEA
(Europe/Middle East/Africa) code.

k. The AU_TOP/resource/JL.pll called from Globe and contains Latin America code.

l. The AU_TOP/resource/VERT.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to
incorporate vertical industry features (for automotive, consumer packaged
goods, energy, and other industries) into Oracle Applications forms
without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms.

m. Oracle Developer/2000 Server Release 1.6.1.

NOTE: All FMB and PLL files must be migrated to your desktop if you intend to
develop and integrate custom applications into Oracle Applications
Release 11.

2. What are the supported versions of Forms and Reports used for developing
on Oracle Applications Release 11?

a. The following supported versions are provided in Developer/2000
Release 1.6.1:

i. Forms 4.5

ii. Reports 2.5

3. How do I compile and/or generate an Oracle Applications form?


cd $AU_TOP/forms/US

f45gen module=FNDSCAUS.fmb userid=APPS/APPS output_file=
/appl/v1100000/fnd/11.0.28/forms/US/FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form
batch=no compile_all=special

b. Windows NT

cd F:\applr11\au\11.0.28\forms\US

f45gen32 userid=APPS/APPS module=FNDSCAUS.fmb output_file=
applr11\fnd\forms\US\FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form batch=no

4. How do I open, compile and/or generate a custom Oracle Applications form on
my desktop?

a. To port the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource files to your Windows

i. Make copies of all required files.
ii. Replicate the AU_TOP directory structure on your desktop.
iii. Move the files to their appropriate AU_TOP/forms/US for FMB and
AU_TOP/resource for PLL.
iv. Include the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource directories in
your FORMS45_PATH.
v. Open, compile and/or generate forms.

NOTE: The FORMS45_PATH is specified either in your Registry or oracle.ini.
NOTE: It may sometimes be necessary to convert FMB -> FMT and PLL -> PLD before
porting from a Unix platform to your desktop.

5. How do I add a CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle Applications?

a. Replicate an existing Oracle Applications product directory structure
underneath your APPL_TOP:

| |

b. Make sure all the permissions on the files and directories are the same
as the other product directories.

c. Add the full path to this CUSTOM_TOP to your APPLSYS.env ( Source your
APPLSYS.env) or your Windows NT Registry:

UNIX: /u01/oracle/apps/vd11/xxcus/11.0.28

Windows NT: D:\oa\appltst\vd11\xxcus\11.0.28

d. Login to Oracle Applications using the System Administrator or Application
Developer Responsibility.

e. Navigate: Application -> Register and add your new CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle

Application Short Name Basepath Description
Custom Application XXCUS XXCUS_TOP Custom Application

f. Shutdown and restart your Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) so that the
concurrent manager will recognize the change to the environment that was
made to the APPLSYS.env and Registry.


AOL Concurrent Requesting / Submission issues

How do I submit a concurrent request from PL/SQL?

Note that this can only be called from a concurrent program
See the Coding Standards for parameter details

Why does the "to start" date of my concurrent request default to 24 hours in the past?
(From the Concurrent Processing FAQ)

The short story:

If you get Patch 387798, then this behavior can be turned on and off using
the profile "Concurrent:Multiple Time Zones".

The long story:

This behavior is a temporary fix until we can build time zone
support into the product in a future release.

If the profile "Concurrent:Request Start Time" is set, then we default
the "to start" date of a request to that value. Otherwise we assume
that the user wants the request to start as soon as possible.

Problems occur when the user is in a time zone that is ahead of the time
zone in which the concurrent managers are running. Say a user submits
her request in a field office in the Eastern time zone at 9:00, so
we default the requested start date to 9:00. But now the concurrent
managers are at HQ in California, so user's request will run at 9:00
Pacific time, 12:00 Eastern. In order to default requests to start as soon as
possible, we submit them to start 24 hours before their request date.
This covers the worst case time zone difference.

How do I submit a request with CONCSUB that has a null parameter?
Use '""' as the null parameter.
(Single quote, double quote, double quote, single quote)

How can users submit requests with CONCSUB without giving them the APPS password?
Try this:

1. As the applmgr user, create a shell script that runs CONCSUB
Either hardcode the parameters for the report, or pass them in as parameters to the
2. Change the permissions on this script to 700. Now no one can read this script and get
the password.
3. Create another script that calls the first script. Pass parameters along if you need
4. Change the permissions on this script to 6755. Now any user can execute and read
the second script, which calls the first one. Have the users run this script to submit
their requests without knowing the password.

Note that this assumes your system handles setuid shell scripts properly.
A small C program that does the same thing should work on systems that don't.

How can I write to a file from a PL/SQL concurrent program? DBMS_OUTPUT doesn't seem to work?
File I/O from PL/SQL concurrent programs is not supported in Release 10.
DBMS_OUTPUT will not work. This is documented in the AOL Reference manual.
In Release 11, a package called FND_FILE was introduced to support this. You can use this
package to write to files.
(The UTL_FILE package does work in Release 10, but this is not supported)

Why does my periodic report show the same date every day it runs?
Since you are using Release 10, you will have this problem with periodic
reports. Once a request is submitted, the
parameters are written to a table, and remain the same for all resubmissions.
In Release 11, you have the option to increment the date parameters on
resubmission. You check the box on the form when
submitting your request, and each date parameter will be incremented by
the amount of the resubmission interval.
For example, if you submit a report that has a date parameter, and you
set the value to be 01-JAN-99, and you have the
request resubmitted every 7 days, the parameter will be incremented by 7
days every time.

When I choose to notify a user after completing a concurrent request, where do the user names come from and how is the message sent?
The List of Values for notifying users of a completed concurrent request
comes from the WF_ROLES view. The notifications are actually Workflow notifications
and are sent out using the WF_NOTIFICATIONS package.

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