Monday, November 24, 2008



1.What Concurrent managers are supported by the Sysadmin team?

The Internal, Standard, and Conflict resolution managers are the managers supported by the sysadmin team. The setup and related issues to other managers would need to be directed within the associated product group.
ie. Inventory manager

Where do the concurrent manager log files reside?

APPLCSF\logWhere do the concurrent request and log files reside?APPLCFS\out or \out

Where are temporary files located?


2.How do you change PMON to LOCK?

Check process monitor (PMON) method. Connect as database user "APPS".SELECT profile_option_valueFROM fnd_profile_option_valuesWHERE level_id = 10001AND level_value = 0AND application_id = 0

AND profile_option_id =(SELECT profile_option_idFROM fnd_profile_options

WHERE profile_option_name = 'CONC_PMON_METHOD');
This should return one row with a value of 'LOCK'If the value is 'RDBMS' or 'OS' run the script

$FND_TOP\sql\AFIMPMON.SQL - this will set the PMON method to LOCK instead of RDBMS.Stop database and restart database server.If not already shutdown in previous step, stop and restart the database.If running on NT, restart the NT Server completely.**************************************************************

3. How to start the CCM under NT?

On the NT server, Click on Start / Settings / Control Panel / Services and look for: OracleConcMgr. Click once on the service and once on the Start button.

4. How to shut down the CCM under NT?

On the NT server, Click on Start / Settings / Control Panel / Services and look for: OracleConcMgr. Click once on the service and once on the Stop button. Command line usage to Start:net start OracleConcMgrCommand line usage to Shutdown:net stop OracleConcMgr**************************************************************

5. How do I terminate a concurrent request that cannot be canceled? I

dentify the request number to terminate?Please shut down the concurrent managers and issue the following sql command as applsys:update fnd_concurrent_requestsset status_code = 'E', phase_code = 'C'where Request_id = ; (reqnum = request number)**************************************************************One of your manager(s) are not activating.Check the count in sys.dual, system.dual, & apps.fnd_dual. There should only be one (1) row for each. If the count is greater, delete the extra rows.This is done from sqlplus as apps as follows:select *from SYS.DUAL;Any extra rows should be deleted.delete rownumfrom SYS.DUAL;rownum = the row number to delete Any extra rows for apps.fnd_dual must be removed performing the following SQL command:delete from fnd_dualwhere rownum < (select max(rownum) from fnd_dual); Bounce your Managers. ************************************************************** If the ICM itself should go down, requests will continue to run normally, except for 'queue control' requests. If the ICM should go down, you can restart it with 'startmgr'. You do not need to kill the other managers first. **************************************************************

6. How do I purge requests that are in Pending status?

The Purge Concurrent Requests program will only purge requests that are in Completed status. You will have to set their status to Completed before purging them. Using sqlplus as APPLSYS perform the following:UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requestsSET phase_code = 'C' WHERE phase_code = 'P'Pl/sql concurrentfact: Oracle Applications 11.0symptom: Cannot run a custom stored procedure as a concurrent requestsymptom: Concurrent request completes with errorssymptom:

PLS-306: Wrong number or type of argumentssymptom:

ORA-6550: line 1 column 7cause: All stored procedures that run as concurrent programs must specify an errbuf and retcode as the first and second parameters in the stored procedure (see example below).

These parameters should be OUT parameters and they are the only OUT parameters that can be specified in the parameter list. CREATE PROCEDURE sample_proc ( errbuf OUT VARCHAR2 , retcode OUT NUMBER , argument1 IN VARCHAR2 , argument2 IN VARCHAR2 )

7.How can users submit requests with CONCSUB without giving them the APPS password?

Try this:1. As the applmgr user, create a shell script that runs CONCSUB Either hardcode the parameters for the report, or pass them in as parameters to the script.2. Change the permissions on this script to 700. Now no one can read this script and get the password.3. Create another script that calls the first script. Pass parameters along if you need to. Change the permissions on this script to 6755. Now any user can execute and read the second script, which calls the first one. Have the users run this script to submit their requests without knowing the password.

8. What resources are provided for developing applications which will be integrated into Oracle Applications Release 11?

a. The Oracle Applications Developer's Guide Release 11 and the Oracle Applications User Interface Standards Release 11.b. The AU_TOP/forms/US/TEMPLATE.fmb for developing a new form.c. The AU_TOP/forms/US/APPSTAND.fmb contains standard property classes for your runtime platform.d. The AU_TOP/resource/FNDSQF.pll contains routines for Flexfields, Function Security, User Profiles, Message Dictionary.e. The AU_TOP/resource/APPCORE.pll contains standard User Interface routines.f. The AU_TOP/resource/APPDAYPK.pll contains the Calendar Widget routines.g. The AU_TOP/resource/CUSTOM.pll for adding custom code which affects Oracle Applications forms without changing Oracle Applications code.h. The AU_TOP/resource/GLOBE.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to incorporate global or regional features into Oracle Applications forms without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms. Globe calls routines JA, JE, and JL libraries.i. The AU_TOP/resource/JA.pll called from Globe and contains Asia/Pacific code.j. The AU_TOP/resource/JE.pll called from Globe and contains EMEA (Europe/Middle East/Africa) code.k. The AU_TOP/resource/JL.pll called from Globe and contains Latin America code.l. The AU_TOP/resource/VERT.pll allows Oracle Applications developers to incorporate vertical industry features (for automotive, consumer packaged goods, energy, and other industries) into Oracle Applications forms without modifying the base Oracle Applications forms.m. Oracle Developer/2000 Server Release 1.6.1.

NOTE: All FMB and PLL files must be migrated to your desktop if you intend to develop and integrate custom applications into Oracle Applications Release 11.9. What are the supported versions of Forms and Reports used for developing on Oracle Applications Release 11?a. The following supported versions are provided in Developer/2000 Release 1.6.1:

i. Forms 4.5
ii. Reports 2.510.

How do I compile and/or generate an Oracle Applications form?

a. UNIXcd $AU_TOP/forms/USf45gen module=FNDSCAUS.fmb userid=APPS/APPS output_file=/appl/v1100000/fnd/11.0.28/forms/US/FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special

b. Windows NTcd F:\applr11\au\11.0.28\forms\USf45gen32 userid=APPS/APPS module=FNDSCAUS.fmb output_file= applr11\fnd\forms\US\FNDSCAUS.fmx module_type=form batch=no compile_all=special11.

How do I open, compile and/or generate a custom Oracle Applications form on my desktop?
a. To port the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource files to your Windows desktop:

i. Make copies of all required files.
ii. Replicate the AU_TOP directory structure on your desktop.
iii. Move the files to their appropriate AU_TOP/forms/US for FMB and AU_TOP/resource for PLL.
iv. Include the AU_TOP/forms/US and AU_TOP/resource directories in your FORMS45_PATH.
v. Open, compile and/or generate forms.

NOTE: The FORMS45_PATH is specified either in your Registry or oracle.ini.
NOTE: It may sometimes be necessary to convert FMB -> FMT and PLL -> PLD before porting from a Unix platform to your desktop.12. How do I add a CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle Applications?

a. Replicate an existing Oracle Applications product directory structure underneath your APPL_TOP:APPL_TOPXXCUS_TOPbin------forms-----html-----lib-----log-----mesg-----out-----reportsUS USb. Make sure all the permissions on the files and directories are the same as the other product directories.c. Add the full path to this CUSTOM_TOP to your APPLSYS.env ( Source your APPLSYS.env) or your Windows NT Registry:UNIX: /u01/oracle/apps/vd11/xxcus/11.0.28Windows NT: D:\oa\appltst\vd11\xxcus\11.0.28d. Login to Oracle Applications using the System Administrator or Application Developer Responsibility.e. Navigate: Application -> Register and add your new CUSTOM_TOP to Oracle Applications.Application Short Name Basepath Description------------------------- ------------------- ----------------- ------------------Custom Application XXCUS XXCUS_TOP Custom Applicationf. Shutdown and restart your Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) so that the concurrent manager will recognize the change to the environment that was made to the APPLSYS. ENV and Registry. To make a query only menu, first determine which function tomodify.

2. Grant query only access on the Users form in the System Administrator Security:User:Define form, find the top most menu for the System Administrator GUI Responsibility in the Menu field of the Security:Responsibility form. For the System Administrator GUI Responsibility it is Navigator Menu - System Administrator GUI.

3. Navigate to the Application:Menu form and query for this menu in the User Menu Name field. Query through several submenus to get to the name of the function needed; in this case, Users.
Security Menu - System Administrator GUI
User Menu - System Administrator GUI Users

4. Navigate to the Application:Function form and query for the function in the User Function Name field of the Description zone.

5. Create a new Function using this function name, and enter QUERY_ONLY=YES in the parameters field.

6. Create or modify the menu and menu structure that needs to be attached to this function.

7. Create or modify the responsibility to associate with the above menu/menu structure.

8. Test the new menu and function. Exit and restart the Oracle Applications session for any changes to responsibilities to take effect.


Oracle Discoverer introduction Oracle Discoverer 3-1 Introduction.doc Oracle Discoverer Plus - Introduction.doc

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