Monday, November 24, 2008
PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE is the interface table
that imports header information from
e– Commerce Gateway for blanket purchase orders and catalog quotations.
PO_LINES_INTERFACE is the interface table that imports lines information from e– commerce Gateway for blanket purchase orders and catalog quotations.
New or AddGROUP_CODE (Null) Indicates the grouping of the requisition lines
PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_INTERFACE is the interface table that imports distribution information from e– Commerce Gateway for blanket purchase orders and catalog quotations.
contains requisition information from other applications.
Import feature uses this information to create new requisition headers, lines and distributions.
TRANSACTION_ID (PK) Transaction unique identifierPROCESS_FLAG NULL Transaction processing state
PO_REQ_DIST_INTERFACE_ALL Is the interface table that creates multiple distributions using Requisition Import.
ACCRUAL_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier for the General Ledger accrual account
ALLOCATION_TYPE Specifies the method of allocation across distributions.
Can be PERCENT.ALLOCATION_VALUE Allocation split value
BATCH_ID Import batch identifier
BUDGET_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier for the General Ledger budget account
CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier for the General Ledger charge account
RCV_HEADERS_INTERFACEis the interface table that stores receiving header information.
HEADER_INTERFACE_ID Interface EDI header unique identifier
GROUP_ID NULL Interface group for set processingEDI_CONTROL_NUM EDI transaction control number if datais sent via EDIPROCESSING_STATUS_CODE Processing status of the interfaceheader rowRECEIPT_SOURCE_CODE Source type of the shipmentASN_TYPE NULL The document type: values areASN, ASBN, or RECEIVETRANSACTION_TYPE The transaction purpose code: values areNEW, REPLACE, ADD,or CANCELRCV_LOTS_INTERFACEHolds temporary lot number transaction records for a parent record in the RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE table.RCV_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACEstores information about receiving transactions that are waiting to be processed by the receiving transaction processor or were rejected due to an error when the transaction processor attempted to process the transaction.TRANSACTION_TYPETRANSACTION_DATEPROCESSING_STATUS_CODEInterface Table --PO_REQUISITION_INTERFACE_ALLProgram Name to Launch the PO Import program -Requisition Import programIn the first phase, the program validates your data and derives or defaults additional information. The program generates an error message for every validation that fails and creates a rowPO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALLIt contains requisition information from other applications. Each row includes all the information necessary to create approved or unapproved requisitions in Oracle Purchasing.The Oracle Purchasing Requisition Import feature uses this information to create new requisition headers, lines and distributions.PO_REQUISITIONS_INTERFACE_ALLtable are identical to the corresponding columns in thePO_REQUISITIONS_HEADERS_ALL,PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL and PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALLtables.Po_requisition_interface_allINTERFACE_SOURCE_CODE --VDP,SOURCE_TYPE_CODE --INVENTORY,DESTINATION_TYPE_CODE --EXPENSE,AUTHORIZATION_STATUS --Status Always Approved we will get ..,REQ_NUMBER_SEGMENT1 --Request id,PREPARER_ID -- ASSOCIATE ID comes from VDP,LINE_TYPE_ID,LINE_TYPE --vArchar Requisition line type name,QUANTITY --Quantity,UNIT_PRICE,CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID -- to be hard coded based on the line type,DESTINATION_ORGANIZATION_ID --v-org_id,DELIVER_TO_LOCATION_ID -- location id,DELIVER_TO_REQUESTOR_ID -- ASSOCIATE ID Same as Prepare_id,ITEM_ID -- item code,ITEM_DESCRIPTION --Based on the item code description is taken,CATEGORY_ID,UOM_CODE,CURRENCY_CODE --if this is supplied then next two should be filled,RATE,RATE_DATE,RATE_TYPEIf you use Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP or a non– Oracle MRP system with Oracle Purchasing, you may find that you need to reschedule requisitions as your planning requirements change.Reschedule Interface Table Since you have already loaded your requisitions into Oracle Purchasing, you simply need to identify for Oracle Purchasing the requisition lines you want to reschedule. After you identify each line to reschedule, you can update the quantity and the need– by date for the corresponding requisition line.PO_RESCHEDULE_INTERFACE table for each change you want to make to a requisition. Each row includes the requisition line identifier, the new quantity, and the new need– by date for the requisition line. You run the Requisition Reschedule program to implement the changes. Import Requisitions from the External System to Oracle Purchasing Write a Import Program to load the external data Dump data into the some interface table .Validate the data through some PL/SQL(Applying Business Logic---Run Import ProgramRequisition is imported and created as manynumber of requisition as successful records .Others -if error then run exceptional report to see the reason of failure.
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